Espaņol Curriculum Project |
Salish School of Spokane has begun developing a Spanish version of the curriculum that we have made to help new learners become fluent in n̓səl̓xčin/n̓syilxčn̓, Colville-Okangan Salish. The curriculum is composed of six textbooks divided into three levels as well as instructional techniques and materials used to teach the material using full immersion. At each level of the fluency system and curriculum, there is a language book and a literature book. Each book is accompanied by audio recordings and additional materials to aid in learning and teaching. Christopher Parkin is the author of this Spanish curriculum. The curriculum model and its organization are copyrighted and provided by LaRae Wiley and Christopher Parkin.
The books composing the Spanish Curriculum Project are: Español 1: A Beginning Course in Spanish; Cuentos 1: Spanish Stories for Beginners; Español 2: An Intermediate Course in Spanish; Cuentos 2: Spanish Stories for Intermediate Learners; Español 3: An Advanced Course in Spanish, and; Cuentos 3: Spanish Stories for Advanced Learners
Español 1: A Beginning Course in Spanish
Click the icon to the right to download a .pdf file of the Español 1 book by Christopher Parkin. This book is the first in the Spanish Curriculum Project of six textbooks with accompanying materials that is being developed by Salish School of Spokane.
Please note: This is a Spanish–Salish language textbook.
Español 1: A Beginning Course is Spanish |